Monday, January 3, 2022

Woke Politics infiltrated our Military

Dictator Biden Directs Military To Target Conservatives

If You Post Or Wear Any Of These Symbols- You WILL Be Arrested

The United States Army, a trusted institution if there ever was one, has an entire manual on what is and what is not White supremacy. Apparently, among the tell-tale signs of a committed White supremacist are these: Celebrating Columbus Day, using the term “American exceptionalism”, any support for federal border security or English-only measures or “education funding from property taxes”. Using the phrase “there’s only one human race” is White supremacy, too, according to the Army.

An Army commander recently briefed U.S. Special Forces candidates and trainees they could be detained or chaptered out of the Army if they are found affiliated with certain imagery popular on the political right that is now considered to be associated with extremism.

Read more... about the banned imagery.

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