Saturday, January 15, 2022

Retha Lowe was the start of honoring MLK in Lake Worth

After ignoring holiday for years, Lake Worth Beach now center of MLK celebration thanks to one woman

"The first nationwide observance of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day took place in 1986 but it wasn't until eight years later that the city of Lake Worth jumped on board.

And it may not have happened then if not for Retha Lowe, the city's first Black commissioner who remains a pivotal community figure.

Read Jorge Milian's article and see the photo with Retha, Loretta Sharpe, John Szerdi and Pam Triolo taken 8 years ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Retha, and I miss her presence on the Commission. I also hold Dr. Martin Luther King in high esteem.

Having said that, I think that after so many years, these celebrations cheapen their intended purpose.

African Americans should feel comfortable enough in their own skin, that we don't have to remind them that we once thought of them as inferior.

Also, there are many black Americans who don't share the African American experience. They seem to be doing fine on their own, without constantly dragging them back to the old time.