Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Laptop from Hell--"Pulling the Trigger on Trump"

New Audio Found On Hunter Biden’s Laptop Reveals Conspiracy to Get Rid of Trump

"While the mainstream media stays laser focused on fear mongering and keeping everyone afraid of this virus, especially since there is a new variant going around now, some of the real stories are getting ignored entirely.

That’s always what happens though, isn’t it? Something happens in which the media devotes all of their resources into one thing to distract everyone away from something else. Something more important.

As it has been over the last year and a half or so, you’re being distracted away from Hunter Biden and the Laptop from Hell.

The audio transcript shows a discussion of ‘pulling the trigger’ to influence the 2020 election, to stop President Trump and the Trump movement, in addition to influencing the Democratic primary.

(2:20) RHB (Robert Hunter Biden): “Overall objective here is to stop, not only Donald Trump, but to stem the tide of what Donald Trump represents.”

Listen to the shocking audio! with the Chairman of Walmart!

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