Monday, December 13, 2021

Rittehouse's legal team to probably sue

Rittenhouse's lawyers want to sue everyone!

“Where’s he going to go to work? You go to work now and you apply for a job and they immediately Google your name. You think he’s going to be fine, he’s going to get a job?” Glen Beck asked. “I will tell you, and I hope you would feel the same way, I’d give money … for his offense, to now go on the offense and sue the crap out of corporate media for what they’ve done. They lied about him the whole time. They destroyed his life. It is time to say enough is enough with the corporate media.”

Beck also called for President Joe Biden to apologize to Rittenhouse after his account posted a tweet last year suggesting that the teen was a white supremacist. “President Biden should be issuing an apology today. He has smeared him. Everybody has smeared this guy. Where are the apologies?” Beck said.

“This was a kid that was smeared as a domestic terrorist and a white supremacist, not just by media members but by the now sitting president of the United States,” Candace Owens said on a live stream after the verdict dropped. “I want vengeance. I want to make sure that Kyle, until he’s 92 years old, is suing every single person who defamed him.” [dfctoday]

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