Thursday, November 4, 2021

“Let’s go, Brandon,” says the right…and the left.

Democrat Voters Say They’ve No Confidence in Biden’s Electability in 2024 and Want Someone Else

The NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll found 44 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents believe that a new nominee will give them their best shot at victory in the next presidential election, while 36 percent want the party to stick with Biden. Another 20 percent aren’t sure.

What the heck is wrong with 36% of Democrats who took this poll? Are they living in La La Land?

Read about it...

And we certainly agree with the poll but it should be 100% of Democrats want a different candidate in 2024. But keep it that way...Biden will lose and we will be on our way of saving America and the America First agenda.

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