Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Senator Rick Scott: It's time for Biden to ditch his failed policies

Sen. Rick Scott: As Border Crisis Skyrockets, Biden Administration Putting Florida Families in Harm’s Way

“Joe Biden has spent every day of his presidency pointing fingers and refusing to take responsibility for the crisis he has created at the southern border.

"Month after month we are seeing illegal crossings at the border skyrocket, overwhelming border patrol, and allowing dangerous cartels to pour drugs into the United States and run horrific human trafficking rings that are victimizing innocent women and children. I heard about these devastating cartel-driven crimes directly from our brave border patrol agents when I visited the southern border in Arizona earlier this year. And we have all seen the heartbreaking images of young children being stranded in the desert and left for dead but for the lifesaving actions of our border patrol and law enforcement on the ground.

But this isn’t just an issue in Arizona and Texas. Every state is a border state. I have been hearing from sheriffs across Florida about how this crisis is hurting our families. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, there has been over double the amount of fentanyl smuggled across our border compared to all of last year – killing thousands of Americans – and the year isn’t even over.

Law enforcement in Florida is seeing more and more dangerous drugs in our communities hurting families because of the savage cartels having free reign at the border. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have taken one failed step after another to dismantle the proven border and national security policy we have set in place to protect this country.

It must stop now. It’s time for Biden to ditch his failed policies of open borders and amnesty and secure the border now.

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