Sunday, October 3, 2021

More illegals on their way to our Border

Panamanian Official: Another 60,000 Migrants Headed to US

400,000 illegals have crossed our border in September alone, a monthly record.

As many as 60,000 more migrants, mostly Haitians, are headed for the U.S. southern border, according to Panama Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes, who was exasperated that the Biden administration seemingly ignored her country's warnings for months about the last wave that ended up under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas.

"We sounded the alarm when we should have," Mouynes told Axios. On Tuesday, she concluded two days of meetings in Washington with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

DHS did not immediately responded to.Axios' request for comment.

Aljandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, should be fired, now. He has miserably failed his duty to the American people and the United States of America.

Read more about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a tourist, visiting Panama a couple of times in around 2011, we were warned that the Darien Gap was most dangerous, and you could only go there with an experienced guide. Not only is it a complete wilderness, but the FARC and other political factions hide out there.

Now, hearing that thousands and thousands of refugees are coming through this dangerous jungle, I feel like I was taken for a fool.

By the way, the Darian Gap is the only gap in the International Hwy. It goes all the way from North America, through Central and South America, stopping only at this roughly 60 mile expanse of impenetrable wilderness.

Hard to imagine anything being left of the place, after 60 thousand people tramp through it.