Sunday, September 12, 2021

Lake Worth Beach teen murders a rival

Lake Worth Beach Teen to face murder charge after man's body found in truck

"As a Lake Worth Beach teen attempted to drag a man's body into a canal on the night of Aug. 20, witnesses rebuked him for his actions, according to court documents made public Friday. The teen had a pointed reply.

"If he can kill my brother, why can't I kill him?" the teen responded, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office arrest report.

Luis Miguel Mejia Granados died Aug. 20 near Lake Worth Beach. The teen is accused of shooting him, then fleeing with his body, after a dispute...He changed his reason why he killed Granados--he was hitting on his girlfriend.

The Palm Beach Post is not disclosing his name because he was a juvenile at the time of his arrest."

Read about it...

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