Friday, September 10, 2021

"Enemy of the State?"

Filmmaker Ken Burns: Zuckerberg is an 'Enemy of the State' - 'Belongs in Prison'

Filmmaker and historian Ken Burns declared that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is "an enemy of the state" and that he belongs in prison.

Burns appeared on The New York Times "Sway" podcast to talk about his new film about boxing legend Muhammad Ali. When asked if he thought Zuckerberg could be as significant as Ali in a couple decades, Burns replied, "I mean, I hope Zuckerberg is in jail by then."

The article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that was a brave thing for Ken Burns to say. No one seems to recognize the damage anti-social media is doing to the country.

Even China, has the common sense to limit the exposure of children to this menace, but I guess we're too drunk on stupidity to recognize an enemy when we see one.