Thursday, September 2, 2021

Biden's Impeachable Offense

There’s That Impeachable Call

Biden Pressured Ghani to Create “Perception” That They Were Beating Taliban

"Joe Biden was telling America in July that the Taliban weren’t going to take over Afghanistan, that no one could have known that was going to happen. He maintains that no one told him differently, a claim we’ve already shown was a lie as he received a cable in June from officials in the State Department indicating that there was a likelihood that the Taliban would take over quickly once the U.S. pulled out at the end of August.

But it turns out that Biden was playing even more games behind the scenes, and something different was going on than what he was telling Americans to our faces."

Read about his call to former Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani

Pelosi and Democrats continue to minimize and cover-up Biden's impeachable offense.

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