Monday, August 9, 2021

Vindman the weasel was the whistleblower and he lied

Democrats' Whistleblower Reveals He Lied to Congress Under Oath During Impeachment Sham

"Democrats charged President Trump with a quid pro quo, accusing him of offering money to a foreign country in exchange for agreeing to investigate his political opponent.

We all know that this was false and he was ultimately found not guilty.

We all have heard the phone call, we've read the transcript and nothing like that ever happened. The Democrats were simply hellbent on getting rid of President Trump because he disrupted their tyrannical rule over the populous.

Read about the lying whistleblower

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman (Ret.) is an Army veteran and former Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council under former president Donald Trump. Vindman was on President Trump's fateful phone call to Ukraine's President Zelensky at the center of the impeachment inquiry, making him a key witness in the impeachment trial.

Remember when the Democrats fawned all over this guy giving him super hero status? Democrats loved this guy. The Fake News Media loved this guy. BUT HE LIED.

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