Friday, August 6, 2021

8 million votes not counted in 2020 Election

They Just Found Eight Million More Votes That Were NOT Counted!

Since the audit into the highly contested presidential election last year, there has been so much evidence emerging showing the insane amount of fraud that took place.

Of course, the mainstream media continues to bury it by calling anyone who questions that Biden won 81 million votes conspiracy theorists that need to be deprogrammed, but numbers are facts, and facts do not lie.

Now there is the latest scoop that has been revealed from U.S. Army Captain Seth Keshel.

Not only is Keshel a retired army intelligence captain but he is also an elections data expert, and after months of investigating the final vote counts in ALL 50 states, he has been able to determine that there are 8.1 million EXCESS votes.

Read about it and the 8.1 million ballots

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