Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Joe took on the Slings and Arrows

Sen. Joe Manchin Issues Response After ‘Constructive’ Meeting With Civil Rights Groups on Voting Law

They all tried to convince him to change course. They even tarred and feathered him on social media. Harsh criticisms, judgments, and personal attacks were slung by Democrats...Joe hung on.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who has signaled opposition to several Democrat-proposed voting bills and ending the filibuster, said he won’t budge on a sweeping bill to overhaul federal elections after he met with civil rights groups.

“There was nothing basically for or against … basically everyone’s position was discussed,” Manchin told reporters on Tuesday after meeting with NAACP President Derrick Johnson, Al Sharpton, National Urban League president Marc Morial, and others.

Read about it...

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