Friday, April 2, 2021

Biden Allows Ultimate Disgrace at the Olympics - Games should be over!

US to Allow Athletes to Protest National Anthem at Olympic Trials

MSN reported, “The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee will not sanction athletes for raising their fists or kneeling during the national anthem at Olympic trials, previewing a contentious policy it expects to stick to when many of those same athletes head to Tokyo this summer.”

"The truth is that the change is shameful.

When an athlete can mock the nation he or she represents, why would a country support them or have them on the team? If the athlete doesn’t want to be there, why make the effort?

More importantly, why does protesting racism involve disrespecting those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of giving their lives to defend the nation? Countless military personnel lost their lives for our nation’s athletes to freely participate in their sport. To disrespect this sacrifice is the ultimate disgrace.[ConservativeGlobe]

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