Monday, December 7, 2020

“Encouraging Masks for All Act of 2020”

Dems Just Gave Us A Look What Living In A Socialist America Will Look Like!

If you want a good idea of what it would be like to live under a socialist regime all you have to do is listen to a Democrat speak for about five minutes.

The 15 states Markey and Blumenthal are targeting with their legislation are all generally Republican-leaning (only two, Arizona and Georgia, went for Joe Biden, and those have mask mandates for state employees)

Read about the Masks


Anonymous said...

I never wear a mask. No one stops me either.

Anonymous said...

Kinda curious whether you're against smoking in restaurants, wearing seat belts, or stopping at red lights because, you know, no one is going to tell you what to do, right? That's so socialist.

Lynn Anderson said...

Kinda curious as to why stupid people come here.

Anonymous said...

We are just lucky to live in Florida and have the Governor that we have. The lock-downs and personal restrictions in other states are driving people to break laws that shouldn't even be laws. The fabric of society is far more fragile than could have been imagined a year ago, and we are at the tipping point. I certainly don't want to get the virus, nor any other debilitating condition, but to destroy the economy and the right of people to make a living, is a cancer that is tearing the country apart.

Your point about seat belts and smoking are two improvements to life style that were gradually accepted over many many years.

Lynn Anderson said...

Some trivia--In 1964, the Surgeon General said that smoking caused cancer. I paid no attention even with disclaimers on every pack. Luckily I did not get cancer but finally did get some sense and quit smoking 36 years ago. I can attest, after smoking a pack a day, that smoking was not the addiction for me, it was just the habit of grabbing for a cigarette. That was the addiction for me because once I made up my mind it was a damn stupid thing to do, I quit and never looked back and it never bothered me.
So, what you said about seat belts and smoking is true.

Anonymous said...

7:56am, we all know masks work.

You MUST wear a mask in all retail shops. You MUST wear a mask at the mall. Yet, this mornings news says the numbers will rise since everyone is shopping at the malls (MASKED). The mall should be the safest place to be since EVERYONE is wearing masks, right?

Anonymous said...

Smoking is not an addiction, it is a habit. Weakness is an addiction. Weak people speak of every bad habit as an addiction. It's part of the world we live in now. If you can blame it on an addiction, it relieves the addicted from responsibility for the bad habit.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:37...smoking is not the addiction but health officials say nicotine is addictive. I found out it was not an addiction for me. i was sort of surprised about that revelation at the time. We can get fooled. Now Dr. Fauci would probably say it is an addiction. :)

Anonymous said...

I am going to wear my mask without complaining until February 28th. Starting March 1st, I am not wearing it anymore.

I'm trying to cooperate with the policy, but if the virus is not controlled by March 1st, it will never be controlled.

I am not wearing a mask for the rest of my life.

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:20 Biden says he will have a mandatory 100 days of facemasks as soon as he takes office. You will be a little shy of that 100 day deal! :)