Monday, December 7, 2020

Communist Kamala Harris Openly Promotes Marxism

1 comment:

Dan Volker said...

We can't all wind up at the same place...and we shouldn't try to make this happen by political scams.
Remember back to high school. Whether public or high-end private, in the classes of kids there was always a distribution of abilities and of "ambitions" to do better and to learn. With the Biden/Harris nonsense, the smarter more ambitious kids are held back, and the less ambitious and less gifted kids are pushed up with the hope that at the end of schooling, they can accomplish the same things that the ambitious and smarter kids could.

But...smarter kids with ambitions will work harder, and accomplish more than average kids without ambition. To attempt to legislate and hold back smart kids is the sickness that is today's democratic party.