Thursday, October 1, 2020

Give it a Rest, Liberals!

Democrats and liberals will bitch about anything even if it is FREE FOOD from the government and President Trump

Oh gee whiz--the USDA shipped boxes of free food to the Mayan Center (the place that bends over backwards for illegals) for hungry people during the pandemic. Inside the box was a letter from the President with guidelines on COVID-19.

Democrats are saying it is "political proselytizing" and could violate the Hatch Act. Boy is that grasping at straws.

Instead of throwing stones and reading something into the generosity of the federal government, why not just say "thank you" and give it a rest.

Instead of getting political at the Mayan Center,Father, how about getting those who visit to sign the Census. This would be so more meaningful as it will represent so much for our community.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

i know there are people that need the for free rent free cars free free.i would like to see some of this free stuff taxed.maybe the $1200 should be taxed.i dont hear of anything being paid wonder they dont want a wall

Anonymous said...

So annoyed at this attitude.

Anonymous said...

too bad

Anonymous said...

I'm all for doing everything we can to help American citizens. I'm also for kicking every illegal ass (Mom ass,Dad ass,baby ass,Grandma ass ,EVERY illegal ass)out of our country that they spit on by coming here illegally.

Anonymous said...

Father O'Loughlin said migrants were in fear of this letter in their food box. What a bunch of crock, Father. How sad. He should be reassuring these people instead of instilling some false fake fear.

Anonymous said...

The United States of America is THE Magnet. The land of unequalled opportunity. I do not blame the illegal immigrant who flees his/her country and sacrifice their selves to give their children a chance at what America offers. We cannot even imagine thinking in those terms as we look at socialist Canada or impoverished Mexico as our neighboring countries. What American would risk life and safety to take their children either places for a better opportunity?

Kicking all their illegal asses out like was stated above is not only impractical but enforces the narrative of us being nasty greedy people. We should instead strive for assimilation. Welcome those who WANT to be Americans, learn our language, pay into our system, embrace our culture instead of just coming here for the free hand-outs.

Just try to put yourself in their place. If you were born in Guatemala in a dirt floor shack with dismal life ahead of you, you'd probably risk "it all" and endure the hatred you see here to give your kids a better life. Look how many have done that over the years from all over the rest of the world.

Lynn Anderson said...

As the President would say to you @8:56, WRONG!
People must come to this country the LEGAL way. PERIOD, END OF STORY.
NO HATRED HERE. Just do it legally. And that's the trouble with you socialists, open border people.