Friday, June 5, 2020

Kamala Harris, the Liar

Furious Democrat Compares Trump To WHO?

Babe Kamala Harris said, “I think that Donald Trump has combined the worst of George Wallace with Richard Nixon. You know, when he talks about ‘end it now’ and then ‘dominate the streets,’ you know, dominate, it literally — one iteration of dominate is about supremacy, and that’s what Donald Trump is about.”

No, Kamala, you have it all wrong. The only people sowing hate and division are Democrats. That's a fact that Democrats just won't admit. They lie too.

Read about it


Anonymous said...

What bothers me the most is people like me who want law and order and want people to follow all rules and laws, and respect our laws, we are the ones demonized today as being the bad people, but we are not. We are on the side of the good and God. The illegals and all the violent protesters and groups like Antifa and the liberal dems are the ones who want no law and order and want our government to give them everything for free and to just write off their debt.

Stop demonizing the good law abiding people just because we want law and order and work hard for what we have!

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris: a cross between Wonder woman and that whore on the street corner. Unelectable.