Saturday, May 2, 2020

Trump Campaign Ad

Democrats have done a huge number on Trump, blaming him on everything under the sun especially the coronavirus with the intent of assuring his poll numbers go down, down, down.


Anonymous said...

Trump praised China's response to the virus saying it was transparent and that he trusted Xi. The tweets are still up.

Trump's daughter was granted 18 trademarks in 2 months in 2018 by China.

Much of Trump's apparel line and campaign apparel in manufactured in China.

Trump has plans to open hotels in 20-30 Chinese cities in the coming years.

But, Biden!

Lynn Anderson said...

Trump praised Xi in the beginning before many of the details were learned about the coronavirus. Trying to maintain relations with an enemy country is a fine balancing act.
As far as Invanka is concerned, those patents were given three months AFTER she dissolved her brand.
Much of Trump's apparel line WAS manufactured in China. We don't manufacture cloth here. That relationship no longer exists.
Trump HAD plans to open hotels in China and talked about it as far back as 2008--not now. That was nearly a decade before he decided to run for President.

Anonymous said...

Good response Lynn for the twisted news from 1:39. How can anyone defend the Biden Crime Family.