Friday, May 3, 2019

The Snitty Democrats

Funeral bells tolling in D.C. for Dems 'in full meltdown'

"Ignore their threats against Attorney General Barr, their aggressive huffing and puffing and their simple rudeness. All that noise and bluster is nothing more than Democrats panicking, says radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Panicking because their coup d'etat has failed and panicking because of what they see coming for them. They might want to consider the words of the poet: "'Never send to know for whom the bell tolls – it tolls for thee.'"

Read what Rush WND.

The Democrats inquisition of AG William Barr was a disgrace and an embarrassment, not only to this country but to the world. People are wondering what the hell is going on in America with some of the leaders who only care about winning, not the country? Democrats are proving themselves over and over every day how shallow and impudent they are. Pelosi also has jumped on the ridiculous lying bandwagon.

 They will be doomed in 2020...every single one of them and thank God. 

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