Monday, May 6, 2019

Democrats will do anything to win

Voter Fraud Charges Endanger Texas Mayor, Topple Another in NJ

On April 25, Texas Rangers arrested Edinburg,Texas mayor Richard Molina and his wife, Dalia, alleging the couple ran a voter fraud scheme to put him in office. He won't quit and will defend himself.

In New Jersey, another Democrat who is the mayor of Elmwood Park, Francesco Caramagna, already resigned in April. This guy knew that the jig was up.

This voter fraud is on a local level but politics starts at that level.  Imagine what's happening on a national level with the DNC in access to millions of $$ to pull off voter fraud?  We know it goes on. At least Broward and Palm Beach are cleaned up as far as Supervisors of Elections.

And these people claim that they worry about democracy and even had a judge sign a FISA warrant based on false charges to overthrow the President of the United States. Now they even want to eliminate the electoral College and take Trump's name off of state ballots.

Read about it...

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