Thursday, March 14, 2019

Quote of the Day - Florida Senate Bill 168

"There's already a lot of fear. Our people are only here to work. We do the most difficult, dangerous, badly paid jobs. At times, we tolerate physical and verbal abuse. This makes us feel persecuted and obviously discriminated against. It's not fair – we are only here to work to give a better future for our children and families."

~ Yesica Ramirez
an organizer with the Apopka-based Farmworker Association of Florida who gave her interview in Spanish.

Speaking about FL SB 168 that would force Florida police to cooperate with ICE in detaining undocumented immigrants. The ACLU is against it so it must be a good bill.

Federal laws need to be respected.  Illegals and their groups are not in charge. Lake Worth Commissioners, all of them, made a Resolution to be a "Welcoming city" like West Palm Beach. This is some form of “sanctuary” for illegal aliens, through restricting local law enforcement from sharing information with federal deportation authorities.  Have we lost any federal grant money for refusing to cooperate with federal deportation authorities?


Anonymous said...

this commission needs to go

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, the incumbents were just re-elected for 3 more years even though Herman said he would only run for one term.Tthe Trio of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso won't be up for re-election until 2021. By that time, more 30 somethings will have moved into our city with no clue.