Saturday, March 9, 2019

Candidate Debate at the Casino - Part 1

A Wes Blackman video--Part 1. Go to You Tube to see parts 2 and 3.


Anonymous said...

I didn't attend. Was it any good? I'm still voting for Guercio.

Anonymous said...

Isn't wes blackman the man that was on the historic preservation board but allowed all these historic buildings to be torn down? Like the ones on H Street and 2nd, Dixie and 5th, and so many others? Now they are being pretentious and putting all these signs up about historical districts? Hypocrite #1! Fake, phony, and pretentious. The ghettos looking good wes, especially by your house, what happened to college park that it has become so dumpy looking all of a sudden?

Anonymous said...

Where do I go on youtube to see the rest?

Lynn Anderson said...

Did any candidate address the amendments on their literature other than Richard who is OPPOSED to changing our name? Herman said, "Let the people vote." It never should have gotten that far. Tom has said he wants the name of our city changed. Richard has told me that he does not want our 501 Lake avenue building sold off.

Anonymous said...

Many homes on S Palmway are for sale. This is probably why Tom is voting to change the name of the City. It's a beautiful street, but the homes are old, and need a lot of work. Changing the name of the city won't change this. Also,some of the homes are very close to the Federal Hwy. Motels. Now,if Tom was on board with closing down those Motels, he would be my candidate of choice, but those motels are never mentioned. Just looking at them, you know what goes on inside. Enforce regulations, and you'll drive them out. I'd rather have condos than those sleazy establishments. Valuable land like that, and those dumps sit there and attract the very element that is making the homes on Palmway unsalable, and he wants to change the name of the City.