Thursday, January 17, 2019

Richard Guercio Meet & Greet


Anonymous said...

He sounds like a Mexican to me. Now they're taking over the commission. Great.

Lynn Anderson said...

I have answered this before--Guercio is an Italian name.

Anonymous said...

very petty.what I know of this man he is smarter than any of you

Lynn Anderson said...

Oh, he is definitely smart.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't he fired from the commission last year? I think this is the same guy.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:08 am--Richard Guercio was NEVER on the commission.
It's way past time to end the corrupt politics in this city as well a "yes" men on the dais.

Anonymous said...

Lynn is right!

"Lake Worth city commissioners voted to fire the chair of the financial advisory board, Richard Guercio, on Tuesday over alleged Sunshine and public records violations.

Lake Worth City Attorney Glen Torcivia, who also represents Riviera Beach in the lawsuit by WPTV against the city over missing text messages from Riviera Beach Councilman Terence Davis' phone, said Guercio was going "rogue.""

Lynn Anderson said...

Richard Guercio already explained that he did not violate Sunshine Laws. Richard is a guy who will not be a rubber stamp to corruption at city hall. Glen Torcivia is wrong in this regard but he works for the city administration and is doing the job he is paid to do. He reports to the commission but I think he takes his direction from Bornstein.