Thursday, December 14, 2017

Kentucky politician accused of sexual molestation dies

Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington

Unproven allegations have led to a death. This should never happen in America. You are innocent until PROVEN guilty. This is all liberalism and slimy politics that have run amok.

Read about this sad case...


Betsy Cohen said...

If people were never accused of anything in America, this would never happen. Shame on the accusers.

Lynn Anderson said...

You must provide PROOF otherwise all it is, is a characterization smear of the worst kind.

Anonymous said...

One accusation and the idiots in the public convict without proof or a trial since these claims can't be substantiated. Assault? Really? This accuser has blood on her hands.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we're going back to the Salem Witch trials of the 17th Century. The problem with this suicide is that it's like an admission of guilt. If the incident was as unremarkable as this one seems to have been, I wonder if there was some other reason for his demise. People do commit suicide for other reasons.

I don't think women really want to be treated equally, what they really want is to have a temper tantrum to get their own way.

Lynn Anderson said...

The fact he was from Kentucky, a part of the bible belt and I heard that he was a preacher, an accusation such as this could devastate a person. Accusations are very bad. People need to go to the police if something has happened to them of this nature or any crime for that matter. No matter how innocent he may be, a certain percentage of people will believe the accusation. Most of the towns in Kentucky are small and everyone probably knew him. This is what is so horrendously terrible about it.

Unknown said...

There's a big back story on this and will come out. The good reverend wasn't as what him seemed in the pulpit and in the legislature.

Anonymous said...

I agree 1:01pm some can dish it out but they sure can't take it. Our media is full of mixed messages women are coerced into being sexy without even knowing what it means.