Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Commander in Chief a whackjob?

"Once again, Barack Obama proves what a petty and insecure whackjob he really is. Every week there’s something new to learn about the depth of Obama’s depraved and incompetent presidency and every week he gets away with some new, ridiculous lapse in reason.

He should have been impeached over a dozen times now. But what he had to say to General Stanley McChrystal, former Commander of the US forces in Afghanistan, sunk to a not-unsurprising new low."

Find out what Obama said to General McChrystal by clicking here...

It's been reported that this is false. Snopes says it's false but then it's also been reported that Snopes is backed by the Democratic Alliance funded by Marxist billionaire George Soros. However, we will never really know what was said in that meeting when General McChrystal tendered his resignation. What we do know is that the General had a difference of opinion with Obama and he was quickly replaced. Obama does not listen to his military--they have to tread very carefully.

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