Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Ungodly Mess and Resident Volunteers

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The resident clean-up this morning at 1231 S. L. Street, Lake Worth.

This crime has been ongoing for years with the city sadly looking past it and the neighbors silently enduring it. It became a dumping ground for every loser around. Resident volunteers got there as early as 6am this morning and 'went to town' cleaning up this abomination.

This is the "State of the City."

Caroline Tires volunteered to haul away the hundreds of dumped tires.
City employee working overtime to haul away the collected trash

Roving photographer on the move


Anonymous said...

You can bet that you would never see this east of Federal in College Park

Anonymous said...

Thank God for all of our wonderful volunteers! But you know something? Personally , I am just worn out. I will start picking up when the city starts doing it's job. How many city employees have driven by this mess? Why should people be taking up their weekend to do the job that city employees are getting paid to do? Great job, everyone, and thank you .Katie Mcgiveron

Anonymous said...

Thank you, volunteers!! So glad this happened. But right, you shouldn't have had to give up your Saturday to do it. Who owns this land? Why couldn't the city force his hand, make him pay to clean it up? We have a lot of slumlords in this town. They need to be dealt with.

Anonymous said...

I do thank the volunteers, but I agree the City has failed all of us by not doing its job. There is no reason that code can not do code enforcement and make a profit. We should be fining the heck out of these properties, taking possession and reselling for profit. Lots of other cities make money off their code enforcement, there is no reason we can't too.

As for east of Federal, there is a dilapidated property and lot just off of Lucerne, east of Federal that's not quite as bad but almost. That is where the crashed car was sitting for 8 weeks.