Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mess of the Week

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Wright Drive and 6th Avenue South

This house would not be so bad if the residents there just simply did what they have been asked to do--at least we think they have been told by Code that what they are doing is illegal--no "yard sales" without a selling of appliances, mattresses, trailers and what have you nearly every weekend. Obey our laws. Instead, they know they can get away with it and continue to operate an illegal business in the ROLOH neighborhood.

Because of residents like these, the neighborhood is getting run down. Slum and blight is taking over. This is a middle class neighborhood full of hard working folks who have invested their lives here and it is all in jeopardy because illegal actions are allowed to continue. These abominations at this property have been going on for well over a year. Isn't it time to put a stop to it?


Anonymous said...

We have done all we can do with this property. And yes, all you Pollyanna's out there, we have asked the owners to please stop selling this stuff, that it is illegal, etc. Code can only do so much. They have to follow the law, which has a process. A very long process. Owners have rights, but something has to be done to put some teeth into the process. These people thumb their noses at the city.

Lynn Anderson said...

I don't think that we are being foolishly optimistic about anything. All we see is the same old problem that never ends.

Anonymous said...

I think it's been more liked 2 or more years. Jail for these people would help my disposition.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I see this house all of the time at this corner. It is a disgrace. Why can't the city do something? Seriously. I just don't get why we have to put up with this.