Friday, June 7, 2013

House overturns Obama's No Deportation Policies

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During debate on the Department of Homeland Security’s appropriations bill, the House voted cut off funds for implementing Administration policies that shield most illegal aliens from the threat of deportation.

The 224-201 vote on an amendment sponsored by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) could be a harbinger of the difficulties amnesty proponents face in the coming debate over immigration reform.



Anonymous said...

Finally, some good news for America. With the recent revelation about the Obama administration's wholesale collection of private data, including credit card purchase info, the left has a huge dilemma. They crucified George Bush for acting like big brother, but Obama is putting even the former KGB to shame when it comes to spying on his own citizens. Is that a big "OH CRAP!" that I hear coming from the far left?

Anonymous said...

they should deport criminals only--there are plenty of people in lake worth that need to be deported and they are american citizen that are just as useless as illegal criminals---

Anonymous said...

they should listen in some in lake worth--they would get rid of the huge amount of drug dealers--our police force is not doing it--and some police might be involved with some of the criminals---dont forget dylan harrison who posted on this blog he employes many cops--dylan harrison is going to prison in july for being the biggest synthectic marijuna manufacture in america yes i said america--he also owns the kava in lake worth and clematis

Anonymous said...

Levy Cruz in Mount Vernon,Lake Worth, sold 3000 fake IDs to ILLEGALALIENS(caught and arrested) ,and the Delray Beach DMV sold 25000 Drivers Licences ti Illegals.(Palm Beach Post exposed them,bravo!)DMV Govt.employees were caught when showing up in Cadillac Escalades for work.All voted for Benghazi Gate Traitor B.HUSSEIN Obama,A black woman from Ohio proudly stated to the local newspaper that she and her friends voted 6 times for the Benghazi Gate Liar-in-Chief,as proven. Benghazi gate B.Hussein Obama won??? by 51.000 votes,of 300,000,000 Americans????.20.000.000 Illegal aliens are allowed by that traitor(gave our Classified Top secret documents in Benghazi to Al-Quaeda intentionally leaving our burnt Post with all Top Secret Documents open, of Americans,)

to stay and suck the blood of the nation of hardworking Americans.
1 1/2 million were legalized 6 months before the Election Day,with abuse of Executive Privilege!Voted for whom?.
When will succesful,brilliant millions of jobs(businesses) creator, elegant American Governor Romney, only real qualified Presidential candidate, have a special Commission formed to verify fraud in the criminal last Election,which had blacks vote multiple times.The black woman appreared on CNN and proudly stated she wanted Benghazi gate ,traitor in the White house and would do anything(like wild beast,lawless) to get him in.Who else???We,(I am non white,but respect this Country and Laws)legal Americans must have a forensic Audit of all National voting places and put the right American ,only qualified, with Government experience in the White House.

Anonymous said...

On second Ave.and Fed. is an apt where 4 sometimes 5 young blacks, sit outside,known drugdealers, who chased a holoistic Doctor from her practice, across the street.She helped mnay ailing Lake Worth Citizzens. We were forced by a dishonest,lazy Commission togive $3,000,000 more to the Sheriffs Office, for protection!(Feels like Mafia)Those dealers have been there for over a year and do business as usual.Citizens complain about calling for help and have not one show up!
Rice gossips about the City veing dragged down?By the Lake Worth CRA which is not needed, and has pent its time inflicting low income housing throuout Lake Worth ,to turn it into a slum,Dunbar Village.The Commission is doping nothing afraid of our employee Joan Oliva who has deicded Lake Worth will be Dunbar Village bis.

Unknown said...

This is an interesting article. I used to work with a guy who was having deportation problems. He did not know anything about the process until he talked to a deportation attorney. He finally got informed and was able to fix the situation.