Friday, June 7, 2013

Former Navy SEAL comes out as transgendered

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"There's a lot of prejudice out there. There's been a lot of transgender people who are killed for prejudice, for hatred. When the book came out -- some amazing support and some amazing praises -- but also some pretty amazing bigotry and hatred."

Click here

Many of us believe that a lot of the hatred towards our former city manager (that still exists today by some in our city) was because she was transgendered. Every decision she made was questioned and debated by some who blamed it on hormones that made her make the tough and sometimes controversial decisions. No other city manager in our history was treated the way in which Susan Stanton was treated.


Anonymous said...

More revisionist history coming from the revisionist queen. Stanton was fired because she was awful for the city.
You guys treated Paul Boyer horrifically because he gave out advice contrary to what you naysayers wanted to hear. YOU even took the time to write letters to any of his prospective employers warning them not to Boyer.
Once again you are correct, nobody was treated as badly as Stanton. Your "opinion" however is nothing more than revisionist history. Again.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that people hate Susan Stanton because she was transgendered. It's just like the people that hate Obama because he's black.

Lynn Anderson said...

The ONLY person into Revisionism is the Other blogger.

Now, name the advice that Boyer gave that allowed him to be fired so horrifically? It was Nadine Burns (who then was on the other side of politics than I)who led the commission into the motion to fire Boyer. Do you have any idea why he was fired? It was under his regime that $12 million reserve funds went missing. This has nothing to do with opinion.

Please watch what you write here when you don't know the facts.

Anonymous said...

At what point does being uncomfortable about having someone's "choice" shoved in your face, then having that same person's abrasive personality shoved in your face, and then that same person's ability to hire people with "huge salaries and golden parachutes" that cost us too much to get out of, and make lousy decisions that further our city's reputation of being too dysfunctional and weird with all our neighbors.... turn into bigotry?

I don't "hate" her. I do have empathy. I'm happy she is where she is. I'm happy for Greenfield as they now have someone very competent to take care of all their problems.

She really is a very hard worker.

The Big Man works in mysterious ways, does she not?

Lynn Anderson said...

What "golden parachutes?"
Susan never talked about being transgendered. Her enemies did.

Lynn Anderson said...

Yes, I agree--everyone knew that she was transgendered...hard to hide that when every news organizations sensationalized it all. She made her documentary BEFORE she was hired here and it came out during her tenure

I attended the interviews. She was the BEST and ran circles around the competition. Rene Varela was sitting next to me before he was an elected official. He agreed with me on that point. It had NOTHING to do with the fact she was transgendered. The city rose above all of that and hired the person with the BEST credentials and goals for our city, where incidentally she performed. The only one who voted against her was Retha Lowe. Retha wasn't elected because she was black although I would bet every single black person in this city voted for her. At the time Stanton was hired, we only had one person living in this city who was transgendered that I know of.

So, to answer your question, NO, she was not hired because of who she became physically but for her knowledge and experience of the job, her fortitude, and strength of character. It was a proud day for Lake Worth when some with petty prejudices and one person on the dais did not prevail because of their racism.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say, you have no idea what racism is.

What you are trying to describe is some convoluted discrimination by a minority against another super minority. Susan's race had nothing to do with it.

Maybe Lowe was uncomfortable with her because of her status. Maybe she did discriminate. But it had nothing to do with race.

Lynn Anderson said...

The word "racism" is now used to describe anything against anyone. You are right in the original/true meaning of the word. However today, because of liberals and left wing idealogues, it has a broader definition. It is being used in the context of discrimination or hatred and intolerance in general. At least this is what I have observed as far as the shifting of the meaning or the use of this word.

Per Wikipedia:
Racism is a noted concern in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities.[1][2][3][4] This can be against members of any race, ethnicity or nationality and may include discrimination and bigotry.