Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day at the Palm Beach Zoo

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A few shots from Sunday's visit to the Palm Beach Zoo.

I have always bragged about the Palm Beach Zoo but for some reason, the 23 acre zoo did not seem quite the same to me--exhibits had been moved around. The peacocks and iguanas that used to walk freely were not to be seen. The koalas, Oz and Abby, were sleeping and separately housed inside closed cages with barely a leaf inside. Some of the animals were seen pacing back and forth as if they were stressed. They had already been fed so that was not the reason. They no longer show all the tigers at one time but only allow one to come out for the visitors. The Aldabra Tortoise was there but I never spotted him and wondered how I could miss something that large.  There were two American eagles that were hiding under a table. I don't know if they were injured or not as many injured birds are taken there to be cared for and nursed back to health.

The zoo is opened from 9am to 5pm every day and closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas. You can Buy your admission tickets on-line. There were many visitors on Sunday and during Spring break, it set record attendance. Adults are charged $18.95, Seniors $16.95 and Children $12.95.


Arête said...


Anonymous said...

Only a truly sick and negative person would-
Pay to see animals then complain about it.
Maybe Susan Stanton should take over the zoo then you would be able to spend more quality time squeezing the zits on her back.

Lynn Anderson said...

So sorry you are a gutless, despicable wonder--won't post with your real name. Well, why would you? Then the world would know what a real SICKO you are. Please check into a nearby mental facility asap.

Carol said...

I was there a month ago and it was crowded. Love the photos. Our Zoo is a wonderful place and those who work there take loving care of all the animals. They worry about them like children. Who's the idiot at 4:25?

Lynn Anderson said...

It is some sad person who is totally obsessed with me. LOL