Thursday, December 6, 2012

The vote was 398 to 1

Washington is always looking to be politically correct" when in fact members of our political Parties seldom agree on much. "Illegal aliens" are now called "undocumented."  The term "crazy" has now been replaced by"mental Illness." Society has even gone so far to say the term "Founding Fathers" is unacceptable and want us all to just say "Fathers."  And Jo-Ann Golden should have known this one as it got her in a lot of trouble with her opponents..."Ghetto" - Replaced by "Economically disadvantaged area." This term is used by politicians who believe money from the Government would solve their problems. (See : State-Socialism) We are striving to become a kinder and gentler nation when just the opposite is so.

The vote was 398 to 1 to remove the word "lunatic" from federal law with Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert as the lone dissenter. He said we should keep using the term "to identify those who want to continue doing business as usual around this town," and noted that we're "facing national bankruptcy."

I believe in calling a spade a spade and telling it like it is and so do most people from Texas.

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