Tuesday, October 11, 2011

L Street Parking Lot

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Commissioner Maxwell asked, "Are we making any money?
"Yes," answered the C.M.

Commissioners, in your one-on-one meetings with the city manager that you all feel are so important to clarify issues that come up on the Agenda so that you "know how to vote," kindly find out the revenues we have received and the expenses on this city lease. Just how many vehicles are utilizing this lot on a daily basis, etc.


Anonymous said...

I go downtown almost every day and have never once parked there and don't ever plan to.

Anonymous said...

Right on point Lynn!

The question should have easily been what are the revenue amounts and what are the expense amounts!

But remember the CM does not like line item details...She does not want to confuse our elected officials with all those silly little numbers.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with her and asked specifically whether the income was greater than the expenses and she stated that it was definitely making money. All I can say is that it must fill up at night.

She did not offer numbers and I was looking for numbers. But she DID assure me that it was making money.

Lynn Anderson said...

The problem is here, we need the numbers. Trust and verify.

Richard said...

Sell the property to somebody.Its not needed IMO.A parking lot like that wasnt needed 30 years ago.
There is plenty of street parking.

Lynn Anderson said...

Richard--the City does not own this property but this is a whole new story. The owners are just waiting for the market to turn. They can develop it. In the meantime, the city is renting it from them, put in a parking pay station and striped it. It's not that no one wants to park there, they just don't want to pay to park. We told the City NO parking pay-stations downtown but the CM decided to do this anyway without Commission consent by the way.

Anonymous said...

This Parking lot has so much in common with our city Commissioners-VACANT ALL THE TIME!

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's why the CM opted to change downtown parking from 4 hours to 2 hours and wasted all that money putting up signs and taking them down again. She was trying to drive traffic to this lot.

Anonymous said...

I do see cars in the lot on Fri. and Sat. night.

Lynn Anderson said...

The problem with this lot when cars are parked there, few are paying and no one is writing a ticket.