Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vote No Campaign is a bundle of lies - Vote YES on Amendment 4

According to the Department of Community Affairs--
15,000 requests for comp plan changes in 2009.
2,100 through May 2010;
29,000 adopted in 2009;
500,000 residential units added since June 1, 2007;
1.4 million square feet of commercial and industrial space created.
4.2 requests to change the comp plan each year.

Source: Florida Today/Brevard watchdog

So, the Vote NO people are trying to say that the Comp Plan changes will be as large as phone books; they are saying that you are too stupid to even understand what you want in your community; they have lied about the number of land-use changes to be voted upon...only 4.2 changes per year per municipality. In fact, their entire campaign has been one big lie.

Don't fall for it. Vote YES on 4 on November 2.

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