Friday, October 15, 2010

Money and Peanuts - Amendment 4

That's what the Amendment 4 campaign is all about--money and peanuts.

They have ALL of the money pouring in from wealthy special interest groups, government bailed out developers, the Chamber of Commerce that actually tells its members how to vote, and I heard, Wayne Huzneiga who has more money than God. (have you ever seen someone with money that didn't crave more of it?)

Whereas the YES Group has money from environmental groups such as the Sierra Club, groups that work in the very areas that the Vote NO people want to destroy. We also get contributions from the working class people such as you and me who are giving a dollar here or there--peanuts in comparison to the deep pocketed fat-cats giving their millions. We give what we can as we struggle to raise our families, make our mortgage payments and get our kids through school or struggle on social security. WE do what we can in order to preserve our quality of life and preserve democracy.

I believe that a peanut has more intelligence than the Vote NO folks.

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