Friday, September 3, 2010

Conservative or Liberal-- Which is the right direction?

Republican Club

Basically, this country is headed in the wrong direction. And many of us, under the guidance and encouragement of the Obama administration, are spending more than we have...”charge it and I will deal with it next month” is the mentality. Government has been doing the same--borrowing more and more and selling our future. The debt is mind-boggling, over $13 trillion dollars, and Democrats do not seem to be the least bit worried about that.

Yesterday a friend of mine and a big Obama supporter who is vacationing in Michigan called and asked, “What’s Obama doing wrong? What’s Klein doing wrong? They are both doing everything right." Her question/statement was very problematic because it showed that there is a large segment of our society that choose not to notice or don’t care. And that is where our problem lies. Perhaps it is her age...she is a senior citizen whose time is limited. But what about her grand-children's future? What will they inherit?

The Democratic Party has become more and more socialistic–believing in the redistribution of wealth, new spending that has brought this economy to its knees–the abrogation of personal responsibility as well as the belief that people are entitled to more than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They penalize achievement through higher taxes and bigger government. They want to weaken our military and give criminals color television. The believe that we need to be “socially correct” and that some of us must give up some of our rights so that others (illegals) can have the same rights as we enjoy.

I went to my first Republican Club meeting ever last night at Atlantis Country Club. Joe Negron spoke on the ballot initiatives and touched on all of them other than Amendment 4. I agreed with him on only one...changing the current maximum school class sizes to school-wide average class sizes. I had confirmed what I have always known--the Republicans are “right on” when it comes to our economy--high taxes, runaway government spending, and over-regulation of business stifle economic growth.

Republicans believe people are best taking care of themselves or helping others through private charity. Democrats believe the government is best at taking care of people.

I came away knowing that I fit somewhere in the middle of the Democrat and Republican philosophies. There are good points to each but the Democratic one is just not working. The differences between Republicans and Democrats come down largely to money management and government responsibility.

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