Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Col. Allen West for Congress District 22

As Col. Allen West's Democratic challenger, Ron Klein, prepares himself to celebrate the 75th birthday of Social Security today, Allen West will be opening his West Palm Beach Campaign headquarters at 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd at 6:30 pm so that he can meet with you personally. I am sure that if asked, he will tell you that Social Security has taken a tough hit from Washington. As he says, "The politicians moved it to the general operating account and they used it for their pork barrel spending spree." He has a Plan to replenish the Fund, to keep it solvent, for you and for your children.

A little trivia on the U.S. Social Security program--It is the "largest government program in the world and the single greatest expenditure in the federal budget, with 20.8% for social security, compared to 20.5% for discretionary defense and 20.1% for Medicare/Medicaid. Social Security is currently the largest social insurance program in the U.S., constituting 37% of government expenditure and 7% of the gross domestic product and is currently estimated to keep roughly 40% of all Americans age 65 or older out of poverty. And the government has been borrowing from this insurance/trust fund for years."

This year’s report by the trustees who oversee the fund found that, "if left alone, the Social Security system will continue to be able to pay its bills for at least the next 40 years — thanks in part to a $1.4 trillion nest egg of Treasury securities that has been stashed away over the past several decades. A separate analysis by the Congressional Budget Office figures the fund is in good shape until 2052."

So as Ron Klein celebrates the failing Social Security Fund, Col. West will be ready to meet with you and answer all of your questions and address your concerns, on that subject or anything else. We need a leader that we can count on to restore dignity, integrity and honor as well as fiscal responsibility back to Washington.

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