Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Naturalized U.S. citizen arrested for NY incident

A Connecticut man who is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan in the failed Times Square car bombing, was arrested.

The man is believed to have used cash to purchase the Nissan Pathfinder that was set ablaze but failed to detonate Saturday night on a tourist-crowded block in Times Square. No charges have been announced.

For more information, visit The Washington Post

What is a naturalized citizen:

A naturalized citizen is a foreign national who is granted citizenship in the United States after fulfilling certain requirements. He is someone who was born in a foreign country, but took a series of steps with the end goal of being granted citizenship.

This guy was from Pakistan and the Taliban has claimed responsibility for his act in New York.

We must have tighter immigration laws to protect the citizens of this country.

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