Friday, May 7, 2010

Illegal Immigration - Everyone is in the Act

Sharpton heading for Arizona

Recent Polls on Illegal Immigration

Other than two commissioners here in Lake Worth, I am not sure that there is any elected official in the country physically demonstrating FOR rights of ILLEGALS, especially as they have no rights other than human rights of just being born under the laws of God, the Ten Commandments. If there are others, please let me know.

There are some politicians who have spoken out and would like to see amnesty, others who take a tough stand on the issue and want our federal laws to be adhered. Hispanics and their supporters are going nuts using the "race card" again to get their way and scare tactics on racial profiling. They have even gone so far as to now threaten to pull money out of the State. La Raza wants major league baseball to cancel its All-Star Game in Phoenix. Big business has a big lobby for the Federal Government to downplay the seriousness of the entire situation as they want to use cheap labor. Liberals just believe everyone deserves a chance and that they all get the gold ring here no matter the cost and do not care about the laws they ignore. Afterall, we are an entitlement government, are we not? Think Greece.

We have LOST CONTROL in Washington and it has trickled down to Lake Worth.

Ann Coulter was right when she referred to Marco Rubio, who has vacillated over the last year on illegal immigration, first saying one thing then another and now takes a slightly different stand. "I'm a little upset about that. I thought you were going to be good, Marco...People get bullied into taking silly positions," said Coulter. Yesterday Rubio changed his position once again after the racial profiling question was not an issue and the law clearly defined when a police officer can stop and question immigration status. At least Rubio is no longer "confused" and I will keep the link to his campaign website on my blog.

Even Al Sharpton who is known for a lot of crazy, hate-filled and lunatic quotes has gotten into the act. While Arizona is acting within the law to protect its State, he is going to organize a protest. The race thing again. All the liberals and illegals are saying, "Oh, how dreadful, Arizona will stoop to racial profiling," their excuse for everything. That excuse is old and we have had to endure it here in Lake Worth by some. The truth of the matter is, Arizona is the only State that has the will to operate within federal law. Why would they now break the law? Enough said.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. ”
—Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The rights they have here are to follow our laws and are no different than any other citizens'. Their rights do not trump our laws. There is no legitimate excuse to break the laws of the United States or allow elected officials and our Commissioners the right to do that either. I am offended as every citizen should be.

Shame on those who participated last Saturday night at City Hall in Lake Worth and even having the audacity to mention it at a city commission meeting as a proud moment for them.

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