Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lois Frankel and Term Limits

"I've also liked the fact that Lois Frankel plays power politics. I sometimes disagree strongly with her methods. But in my opinion, gutsy, brazen politicians are all-around better than wimpy ones. Politicians who abuse their power can be stopped by the courts — either through lawsuits or criminal charges. And they also can be stopped by the voters," says Jac Wilder Versteeg.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Take the citizens who sued Lois and the City of West Palm Beach for plowing ahead with the new civic center. They wanted West Palm Beach to vote on this huge debt and ode to Lois by having it on the ballot. It went all the way to the Florida Supreme Court and they won but this did not stop Lois. She built it anyway. I have no use for this type of politician. It is the worst of the worst.

West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel's second term is up next March and there has been talk about changing the Charter in the regard of term limits. Rules are not part of her forte. Also it was mentioned changing election dates to coincide with national elections giving her another 20 months in office. This is the same BS that was used in Lake Worth and for the same reason--have Jeff Clemens in power for 8 more months.

I used to be under the same philosophy as Mr. Versteeg when he said that he has never agreed with term limits, which is "We can always vote the bums out." However, it is not that easy and the voters have very short memories. Term limits, like all laws, are there to protect us and in this case it is from our own ignorance.

Mr. Versteeg likes Lois in spite of herself. Read more of his article on Lois, HERE.

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