Monday, November 2, 2009

Listen to the pitch by the Trio

The Lake Worth Candidates Last Minute Pitch To The Haitian Community

Watch Scott Maxwell candidate for city commission (district 1), Wes Blackman candidate for city commission (district 3), Loretta Sharp mayoral candidate on "Pase Pran'm" as they make their last minute pitch to the Haitian Community.

Let's hope they talk to the illegal alien situation and what about Top 6, the Haitian gang?

Loretta wants to bring people together. She says that John Jordan is against ALL immigrants. Not so, Loretta. He is against ILLEGAL ALIENS. Now, if people want to really assimilate into our society, why don't they learn English? Scott, don't you really feel out of place here?

This was, by far, the biggest bunch of crap I have ever listened to.

Haitian TV made a point of mentioning who did show up as a reminder to the Haitian community. Those not mentioned were, candidates Bill Coakley, Ron Exline and John Jordan who say they were not contacted--not by e-mail nor by phone. I was unable to contact Jo-Ann.

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