Saturday, August 1, 2009

Who will it Be?

This morning a group of us got together to discuss local politics—who was running and who we wanted to support. We also discussed the reasons for our choices. Unfortunately there was a mix-up on the meeting destination as two restaurants were previously discussed. Lo and behold, we had to leave TooJays and re-locate.

It was an interesting guessing game discussion. In 2½ weeks we will know who is running.

The only people we know with 100% certainty are:

Laurence McNamara for Mayor

Jo-Ann Golden for District 3

The people we feel will be running and the percentage possibility:

Javier DelSol for Mayor (15%) Has opened a bank account

Rene Varela for Mayor (75%) Has opened a bank account

Loretta Sharpe for Mayor (25%)

James McCauley for Mayor (25%)

Wes Blackman for Mayor or District 3 (99.9%) Wes told us this morning he is not sure! Now politicians always tell the truth, don't they?

Mary Lindsey for District 3 (33.5%)

Elizabeth Arevalo for District 3 (75%)

Retha Lowe for District 1 (50%-100%) We are never sure about Retha

Unknown Annabeth Karson candidate for District 1 (70%)

Unknown Paver candidate for District 1 (100%) Could even be Retha

Barbara Aubel for Mayor (1%)

John Jordan for Mayor (0%)

Tom Ramiccio for Mayor (50%)

Jeff Clemens for Mayor (10%) and Ron Exline thinks it is more of a 45% way! Jeff says "no way."

Others are in the wings, ready to announce, at the most strategic time. The entire discussion was animated and fun but a total waste of time other than the great food and camaraderie.


Anonymous said...

Don't know a few of these people. I want someone elected who will clean up the crap in this city.

Anonymous said...

Javuer for Mayor? You have got to be kidding, right? He's opened an account? Do you want more chickens? Illegals?

Anonymous said...

We'de be better off if someone just blew this piece of crap up. I don't want to vote for anyone. They are all the same.

Anonymous said...

Just heard that James Walker's name has been thrown int he pot. The only thing he is up on in LW is his golf game. The next one in Tony Plakas.

Anonymous said...

Someone said downtown that Greg Rice was thinking about running for Mayor. has anyone else heard that one?