Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On photos

Taken at the PB Zoo

Any photo in the public domain that is not copyrighted, can be used on a blog or for personal use. Unless it is clearly marked copyrighted, everyone can assume it is free. There are literally hundreds of thousands of photos in the public domain. Most people don't go to the trouble of copyrighting a pic because it is way too cumbersome. Unless you use it for a commercial purpose, the chances of getting sued are extremely rare.

Copyright law says: MYTH # 1:
"I do not need to register my photos with the copyright office, because I 'automatically' have copyright at the instant I snap the shutter."

This is a serious misunderstanding of the law. Yes, you do own copyright without registration. BUT if you want to protect your photos from another's use, you should register them with the Copyright Office, before you publish or distribute them. If you register your photos, you gain powerful remedies against infringer's.

Without going through all that hassle and if if someone using one of your photos bothers you that greatly, put a disclaimer on your site saying that the "intellectual" property is yours...etc. The Smithsonian, as an example, uses this disclaimer: You may use the content for personal, educational, or noncommercial purposes (with an appropriate citation), but all other uses are prohibited. (See the terms and conditions here.)

There are a few bloggers here in Lake Worth that have put their watermarked name on their photos. We are then to assume that the photo can't be used. And we don't. If we know that a blogger is a professional photographer, then we know not to use his photos.

Photos are used to tell a story. We all use stock photos and there are tons of sites that offer free photos. Occasionally I have used one from Lake Worth Media, with his permission, and I have given him credit. Mine are not for sale and anyone can download one. All I ask is to be given credit if it is reprinted. Be my guest.

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