Thursday, August 15, 2024

Weird Walz

Hey, remember when weird Tim Walz had cops shoot paintballs at people breaking the curfew?

You know how every so often you'll be scrolling the X-Twitters, see a video with a wild claim and say to yourself, "Self, there is no way that's right?"

That was me when I saw a video of Tim Walz's police force in Minnesota lighting up people with paintballs for breaking SCHMOVID protocols. Turns out it's legit, according to the New York Post!

And Weird Walz keeps getting weirder.

See the video on X Gov. Tim Walz had his police use paintball guns to sh**t Minnesota residents if they broke curfew by being on their porches during C*V*D


Anonymous said...

Wait. I thought you all were saying he did too little during the George Floyd demonstrations. Now you're saying he did too much? Which is it?

Lynn Anderson said...

It's difficult to understand why Democrats are so clueless and can't comprehend much.

Anonymous said...

Here, let me straighten this out for you, 11:32. When Minneapolis burned after the Floyd accident, he did too little. When he actually did something, he did too much. Do these two statements contradict each other? Yes. But you are so damn clueless, you can't comprehend what is being said. Get it?

Anonymous said...

The thug Floyd caused his own death, because of being on drugs, read the death report, he is a loser like putting him in a gold coffin will somehow get him in heaven, he was a thief, druggie, and loser, the poor cop was just doing his job, I really dislike thugs and loser demonic Dems! No logic!

Anonymous said...

They always take the side of the lawbreakers! Do we want them as a President? No

Anonymous said...

"They always take the side of the lawbreakers!"

I love the MAGA intellect.

Lynn Anderson said... should LOVE the MAGA intellect. They are always right. Every conspiracy theory turns into TRUTH. How about that?

Anonymous said...

Why would a good upright law-abiding citizen take the side of a thug like floyd? Logic and common sense, laws, order, we like that, that is why we love President Trump dumbo!

Anonymous said...

You are one sick and demented puppy!