Friday, March 8, 2024

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) admitted to flying hundreds of thousands of “inadmissible” migrants into the country

Biden Admin Admits That It Flew Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants to Country

Let's talk about this further--

According to an immigration policy think tank, the Biden administration’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) admitted to flying hundreds of thousands of “inadmissible” migrants into the country.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) National Security Fellow Todd Bensman wrote Monday: “Thanks to an ongoing [CIS] Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the public now knows that [CBP] has approved secretive flights” of migrants.

Bensman added that these flights were “all pre-approved” on the CBP One cell phone app.

“CBP has withheld from the Center – and apparently will not disclose – the names of the 43 U.S. airports that have received 320,000 inadmissible aliens from January through December 2023,” Bensman wrote, “nor the foreign airports from which they departed.”

“In short, the Biden administration’s legally dubious program to fly inadmissible aliens over the border and directly to U.S. airports has allegedly created law enforcement vulnerabilities too grave to release publicly,” Bensman summarized, “lest ‘bad actors’ take advantage of them to inflict harm on public safety.”

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

There's information that this story is false.

Read more and judge for yourself...

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:55---The biggest problem here is that NO one believes anything Biden and his administration want to dish out to the American public.