Friday, January 14, 2022

Ted Cruz Grills FBI and DOJ on Ray Epps and Fed Involvement During Jan 6

Why Won’t The DOJ or FBI Tell The Truth About Operative Ray Epps?

Cruz Asks Asst. FBI Director: 'How Many FBI Agents Were Confidential Informants' During Jan. 6 Riot?


Anonymous said...

It is crazy where is this Ray Epps does he work for the fbi? Where are all these other people and why did all those police wave all those people into the capital and just stand around and let them all be there and didn't do anything about it why did they walk away when they killed Ashley babbitt? This was all a great big setup by Pelosi and all of those slaves of the devil that all hated president Trump so much and want it all of this to happen so they could try to legitimize the elections and you all know that it's not a legitimate election there was a lot of election fraud and a lot of States and it's all being exposed and has been exposed but the media and the Democrats will never let it be aired out at all they're all slaves to the devil hopefully someday the truth will come out pray for our country we need a lot of prayers now with this pandemic of fear this plandemic it's been really evil the Democrats are really really evil they've shown their true colors how they're all completely slaves to the devil today.

Anonymous said... are days behind on this. The Jan. 6th Committee has already heard testimony from Epps. You're gonna be real disappointed when you heard what he told the committee.

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks, I know all of that.
I'm talking about revealing the TRUTH

Anonymous said...

And yet you're posting days old info.

Ray Epps testified. So you're saying you don't believe Ray Epps?

Lynn Anderson said...

I guess you can interpret what I said. Good going!