Friday, January 7, 2022

Matt Gaetz on Jan 6 Select Committee

Rep Gaetz Give Statement About Commission That Has Dems In A Panic

Well, that is melodramatic but Matt Gaetz is on a mission. And the cards should be turned on these Dems.

Gaetz said that should Republicans take over after the midterms he is not going to get rid of the 1/6 Commission but he’s going to “take it over.”

“I would throw off the tyrants that are on that committee now. I would make Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene the chair, I would make Rep. Darren J Beattie the Staff Director, and then we’d get the truth in front of the American people,” Gaetz said.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see that happen!

Anonymous said...

The mouth that roared. Daddy's little boy. Nobody likes him, but he keeps trying to make the grade.

Lynn Anderson said...

"Nobody likes him?" Well, he's lawyer and politician who has served as the U.S. representative for Florida's 1st congressional district for 4 years.
I like him.

Anonymous said...

He's being investigated for child sex trafficking. I know, I know...because he's MAGA, it's a witch hunt or hoax or Deep State set up. But he'll still be prosecuted and hopefully he'll be convicted. And then you'll have something else besides the 2020 election to whine about.

Lynn Anderson said...

That was over a year ago and he’s not been prosecuted as far as I can remember

Anonymous said...

He hasn't been prosecuted...the investigation is ongoing.

Anonymous said...

Gaetz and Greene are what I would call bottom feeders. Two attack dogs, with the emphasis on dogs.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:50pm. The only people who believe your comment are Democrats and RINOS. Which one are you?