Thursday, January 6, 2022

Left's Goal: To "take out" Ron DeSantis

Liberal Media Outlets Caught Red Handed Lying About Ron DeSantis

"Once again the dishonest mainstream leftist media was caught red-handed lying about what really happened during a press conference in Florida in which Ron DeSantis was to be speaking on monoclonal antibodies.

In two publications, here is what was reported by the liberal outlets:

The Independent: “Ron DeSantis has activists including disabled man arrested for quizzing him on C-v-d: ‘The governor is afraid to meet with the people’”

The Daily Beast: “Activist Handcuffed at DeSantis Presser After Calling Guv an ‘Enemy of the People’”

Well, that sure does make him look like a bad guy, doesn’t it? Having people arrested for questioning you is something only a dictator would do."

Read what actually happened

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron can take care of himself.