Monday, September 13, 2021

Shut Down DC will demonstrate at Kavanaugh's house today

Far-Left Plans Demonstration at Home of Justice Kavanaugh

A group of far-left radicals is now reportedly planning on targeting Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home in response to his decision to uphold a Texas pro-life law.

The group, called Shut Down DC, is demanding that Kavanaugh resign for siding with the majority in the court’s 5-4 decision not to block the Texas bill, which went into effect on September 1.

The activists plan on meeting Monday evening at Chevy Chase Local Park before going to the justice’s house for an “abortion right’s rally and speak-out at Kavanaugh’s house.”

Read more about it...

The Marxist Anarchist group on Facebook that literally is threatening Conservative D.C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These people should all be arrested! Why doesn't the law governing harassment kick in and prevent this abuse?