Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Putting people in internment camps to prevent the spread?

COVID Quarantine Camps: Inside The CDC’s Plan To Intern People For The Greater Good

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a lengthy document on its website, seemingly unnoticed when it was originally written, explaining how to put people in camps to keep them safe from COVID-19.

In the document released last year, titled “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings“, the CDC offers an operational procedure for “humanitarian settings” in which putting people in camps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may prove necessary. The document appears to contain procedures meant for use outside of the United States. [beltwayreport]

Read the Document


Anonymous said...

Politifact says false...


Owens tweeted that the CDC "put together a document to discuss putting high risk people into camps to ‘shield’ low risk people from them," and she likened it to "1930s Germany."

The CDC did not recommend putting people who are at high-risk for COVID-19 into "camps." It published a document that explored a concept called "shielding" that researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre explored as a means to contain COVID-19 spread among people who already live in settings such as refugee camps. The CDC’s analysis of the research highlighted several challenges with the concept and noted that there was "no empirical evidence" regarding whether it would even be effective at curbing COVID-19 deaths.

We rate this claim False.


Lynn Anderson said...

Well, how about this one from the CDC itself??!!--

Anonymous said...

What's stopping Them? The second amendment is stopping them. Never forget.

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:35–Oh, the amendment Democrats want to get rid of? That one?

Anonymous said...

Three, it isn't the same document that is referenced in your blog post.

Two, it clearly says that this is voluntary on the part of the patient who is suffering mild symptoms.

Three, it is meant for global use in "low resource settings."

But community isolation centers is a great idea for those areas that don't have sufficient medical care and want to try to slow the spread.

Bottom line: great info that I didn't know about...but it has nothing to do with what you wrote about in your blog post.

Lynn Anderson said...